Webinarer om fødevaresikkerhed

Webinar "Food Safety – Meeting the Needs of our Evolving World"12 juni 2024 | Webinar

Webinar "Food Safety – Meeting the Needs of our Evolving World"

Get insights from the food and beverage industry from our "Food Safety – Meeting the Needs of our Evolving World" webinar. As a global partner we have the pleasure of discussing and exchanging ideas with customers, industry leaders and colleagues on the challenges and opportunities in food industry at the intersection of food security, climate change and technology. During this webinar we will summarize the key takeaways for you, and how food security meets the needs of our evolving world. Get insights related, but not limited to: - Innovation as a Keystone in Food Safety - Sustainability: A Pillar of Food Safety  - And much more

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BRCGS Packaging version 721 januar 2024 | Webinar

BRCGS Packaging version 7

Learn about the key updates and how they can improve your packaging processes. This will allow you to stay up to date with the latest industry standards, ensure compliance and enhance the quality of your packaging process. Our panel of experts will provide insights on how to implement these standards to improve product safety, customer satisfaction and regulatory compliance. Agenda: - Overview of Issue 7 and the Key Changes: Discover the significant updates in BRC Packaging Version 7 and how these changes will affect your operations. - How DNV Can Support Your Sites: Learn about the comprehensive support services DNV offers to help you seamlessly transition to the new standards. - Question and Answer Section: Engage with our experts during an interactive Q&A session to clarify any doubts and gain insights specific to your needs. Take advantage of this valuable opportunity to stay informed and prepared for the future of packaging.

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New FSSC 22000 Version 6 - Changes and Benefits28 juni 2023 | Webinar

New FSSC 22000 Version 6 - Changes and Benefits

Get insights from the food and beverage industry from our "Food Safety – Meeting the Needs of our Evolving World" webinar. As a global partner we have the pleasure of discussing and exchanging ideas with customers, industry leaders and colleagues on the challenges and opportunities in food industry at the intersection of food security, climate change and technology. During this webinar we will summarize the key takeaways for you, and how food security meets the needs of our evolving world. Get insights related, but not limited to: - Innovation as a Keystone in Food Safety - Sustainability: A Pillar of Food Safety  - And much more

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Hvordan kan certificering 4.0 - sikre troværdighed for fødevaresikkerhed og bæredygtighed06 maj 2022 | Webinar

Hvordan kan certificering 4.0 - sikre troværdighed for fødevaresikkerhed og bæredygtighed

I vores webinar vil vi give dig et overblik over den seneste udvikling inden for fødevaresikkerhed kombineret med en gennemgang af GFSI 2022-konferencen. Under mottoet "Delivering Impact for Safe Sustainable Food" samledes fødevareindustrien til GFSI-konferencen i Barcelona i sidste måned for at drøfte den aktuelle udvikling, tendenser og fremtidige sikkerhedsspørgsmål. Vibeke Bagger, Food Manager hos DNV i Danmark, var til stede live og opsummerer de vigtigste emner for dig i vores webinar: - Nyt fra GFSI, Codex, WHO, FAO, WFP - Udvikling af en “Recall Ready” organisation - Fremtiden for fødevaresikkerheds eksperter? - Fremtidens auditor uddannelse? - Nedbrydning af siloer mellem “Food Safety and Sustainability” - Cases fra myndighederne, IKEA & Cruise Ships - Food Safety i rummet – et fremtidsperspektiv

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Webinar "Introduction to GMP+ Feed Certification Training 2020"02 maj 2022 | Webinar

Webinar "Introduction to GMP+ Feed Certification Training 2020"

In this free webinar you will get an introduction to the GMP+ Feed Certification Training standard and the requirements and get an overview of the main changes in the 2020 version of the standard as compared to previous edition. In this webinar we will touch upon the following subjects: General introduction of GMP+: • Main points of GMP+ 2020 • Difference between legislation and GMP+ • Changes in new version compared to old version Transition to GMP+ 2020: • Timeline for transition • Most important changes as compared to previous edition of the standard Q&A session

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