You will get an introduction to the GMP+ Feed Certification Training standard and the requirements and get an overview of the main changes in the 2020 version of the standard as compared to previous edition.
In this webinar we will touch upon the following subjects:
General introduction of GMP+:
• Main points of GMP+ 2020
• Difference between legislation and GMP+
• Changes in new version compared to old version
Transition to GMP+ 2020:
• Timeline for transition
• Most important changes as compared to previous edition of the standard
Info på eksperterne:
Jacky Rademacher, M.Sc. Animal Sciences (Wageningen University) will be hosting the webinar and take you through the highlights of the GMP+ 2020 standard.
Jacky has been with Schouten Advies for 4+ years. During that time, Jacky has focused on QA support for our clients (setting up and maintaining Quality Management Systems, internal auditing, Recall Simulations etc.). Her main focus is on writing and implementing GMP+ quality management systems, with a special emphasis on companies working in trade, transhipment and transport, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Jacky has a broad experience in providing training to our clients, both on the old and new GMP+ clients. Additionally, Jacky has been instrumental in developing our label check services, managing and delivering (legal) label checks for feed and food products for both B2b and retail purposes. Jacky is a GMP+ International Registered Consultant