E-Learning: ISO/IEC 42001: 2023 Artificial Intelligence Management System Foundation

This two-day course provides an overview of the ISO/IEC 42001 standard and essential knowledge required for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and continuous improvement of a responsible Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS).

As the deployment and utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) expand across various industry sectors, the International Standard Organisation (ISO) has introduced the ISO/IEC 42001 standard.

It outlines the necessary requirements and provides guidance for the creation, implementation, maintenance, and continuous enhancement of an AI Management System. The aim is to ensure that AI technologies are used in a manner that is consistent with ethical principles and societal values.

This course's objective is to provide participants with an understanding of managing information risks and overseeing an Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) through a process-based approach. Participants will also learn to formulate a personal action plan that incorporates the ISO 42001 Standard's best practices for AIMS application.


At the end of the course, participants will understand the requirements of an Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) and in particular, be able to:

  • Understand the essence and fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Understand the principles and benefits of Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS)
  • Get a basic knowledge about ISO 42001 Artificial Intelligence Management System
  • Facilitate the identification of Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) processes within an organization


This course is suitable for anyone involved in the development or who is preparing for the implementation of an Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS).

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