ISO 45003 - Psychological Health and Safety at work Training course

A one-day course focusing on how to manage psychosocial risks across your organization.

On this one-day training course, you’ll learn how to manage psychosocial risks across your organization as part of your overall occupational health and safety management system based on ISO 45001, in order to:

  • Prevent psychosocial harm in the workplace;
  • Implement effective controls to eliminate or manage psychosocial risk;
  • Continually improve the management of psychosocial risk.

You’ll follow the recommendations of ISO 45003 Occupational health and safety management - Psychological health and safety at work: Managing psychosocial risks – Guidelines, gaining an understanding of its background; what creates psychosocial risk within an organization and the steps to take to eliminate or manage the risks and drive continual improvement.

Additional course benefits:

  • Access to course material augmented with exclusive insights from big data analytics based on our database of millions of audit findings worldwide;
  • Gain free access to our online self-assessment tool where you can quickly implement and practice learnings as well as to measure your company performance against specific management system standards.


  • Identify why psychosocial risk management is important to an organization and recall its benefits;
  • Describe the background of ISO 45003 and its intended outcome;
  • Discuss the introduction to occupational stress;
  • Recognize the terms and definitions used;
  • Describe the key concepts and structure of ISO 45003;
  • Explain the main recommendations of ISO 45003.


Delegates will need a good understanding of ISO 45001 and ideally will have attended: An understanding of ISO 45001/ISO 45001 Requirements Training Course.


Anyone who is involved in supporting your organization’s psychological health and well-being and psychosocial risk management.

This may include health and safety, occupational health, human resource, compliance and risk and operational teams and managers.

Uddannelse i ledelsessystemer

APQP4Wind kurser

APQP4Wind er den fælles referenceramme, der skal bruges i industrien til at styrke samarbejdet mellem producenter og leverandører.

Kurser i energi- og miljøledelse

Offentlighedens bekymring for miljø- og energiudfordringer, strengere miljølovgivning og øget medieopmærksomhed stiller større krav til virksomhederne i dag.

Kurser inden for fødevareområdet

Føde- og drikkevareindustrien bevæger sig for at tilfredsstille kravene fra internationale forbrugere og for at åbne nye markedsmuligheder.

Kurser i arbejdsmiljøledelse

Din virksomhed forventes at tage sig af sine medarbejdere ved at håndtere sikkerhed og sundhed på en professionel måde.

Kurser inden for medicinsk udstyr

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Kurser i bæredygtighed og socialt ansvar

At sikre din forpligtelse til at beskytte menneskerettighederne og operere på en etisk, ansvarlig måde er afgørende for at indgyde etisk praksis og fremme en kultur med bæredygtighed i virksomheden.

On-demand E-Learnings

Vores faglighed spænder vidt og dette er også en reflekteret i vores E-Learnings

Kursus betingelser

Afbestillingsbetingelser og praktiske oplysninger for kurser hos DNV Business Assurance Denmark