ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Training

The aim of the course is to provide you with knowledge of the entire audit process and plenty of practice in delivering effective internal audits that create value for the organization.

About this course:

The course will focus on strengthening your skills in planning and delivering audits based on your ability to identify "gaps" in the management system to ensure that audits help deliver continuous improvement and change in the organization. The course is aimed at employees in companies that are certified or working according to ISO 9001.

In this ISO 9001 internal auditor training you will be guided by our experienced instructor in understanding an internal auditor’s key responsibilities. You will also learn about every stage of the internal audit process from planning the audit to writing audit reports and suggest corrective actions.

The theoretical part of the course is based on ISO 19011 and ISO 9001.


  • The basic principles of quality management
  • Process oriented quality management
  • The human aspects of auditing
  • Audit preparation, execution, reporting and follow-up
  • Identifying non-conformities and improvements and working on corrective actions
  • Internal audit as a management tool
  • Audit exercises

The course has been designed as a combination of theory, practical exercises and discussion. We recommend that you have basic knowledge of ISO 9001.

Target group:
The course is for anyone involved in auditing, maintaining or supervising an ISO 9001 QMS. 
The course is aimed at both certified companies and companies complying to ISO 9001  without being certified.
Output of training
The course provides thorough training in planning and conducting internal audits and equips you with the skills and tools that are essential for your organization to get the most out of the internal audit.

Output of training:
The course provides thorough training in planning and conducting internal audits and equips you with the skills and tools that are essential for your organization to get the most out of the internal audit.


About this course:

The course will focus on strengthening your skills in planning and delivering audits based on your ability to identify "gaps" in the management system to ensure that audits help deliver continuous improvement and change in the organization. The course is aimed at employees in companies that are certified or working according to ISO 9001.

In this ISO 9001 internal auditor training you will be guided by our experienced instructor in understanding an internal auditor’s key responsibilities. You will also learn about every stage of the internal audit process from planning the audit to writing audit reports and suggest corrective actions.

The theoretical part of the course is based on ISO 19011 and ISO 9001.


  • The basic principles of quality management
  • Process oriented quality management
  • The human aspects of auditing
  • Audit preparation, execution, reporting and follow-up
  • Identifying non-conformities and improvements and working on corrective actions
  • Internal audit as a management tool
  • Audit exercises

The course has been designed as a combination of theory, practical exercises and discussion. We recommend that you have basic knowledge of ISO 9001.

Target group:
The course is for anyone involved in auditing, maintaining or supervising an ISO 9001 QMS. 
The course is aimed at both certified companies and companies complying to ISO 9001  without being certified.
Output of training
The course provides thorough training in planning and conducting internal audits and equips you with the skills and tools that are essential for your organization to get the most out of the internal audit.

Output of training:
The course provides thorough training in planning and conducting internal audits and equips you with the skills and tools that are essential for your organization to get the most out of the internal audit.


Management Systems Training


Træningsmetodik og fordele

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