Introduction to the new ISO requirement on Climate Change

If your organization has implemented or plans to implement a management system based on one of the management system standards ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, 27001, 22000 or 50001, you need to ensure that climate change is included in your organization's context analysis and consider the relevance of climate change risks as part of the analysis.

On 29 February ISO published an addendum to existing and new management system standards that companies can be certified to. It requires organizations to always assess the relevance of climate change risks in their risk analysis and in relation to stakeholder needs. The change follows ISO's London Declaration, where ISO commits to combat climate change and contribute to the climate agenda.

Attend our two-hour online mini course and get the knowledge you need to fulfil the new requirements.

In this course you will gain insight into:

  • The background to the new ISO requirements on climate change
  • What are the requirements and how they affect your organization
  • What you as a company must do and what to expect in connection with upcoming audits
  • Overview of the most important ISO standards that support the work to reduce your company's climate impact.

The trainer

The course is taught by Lead Auditor Trine Velling.

 Trine has more than 15 years of experience in sustainable and socially responsible business operations, strategy development, management systems and auditing. Trine is affiliated with DNV as Lead Auditor, where she primarily provides third-party certification audits within environment, occupational health and safety and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, Trine is Partner and CEO of Konsulenthuset for Socialøkonomi, a registered social economy organisation whose purpose is to support the development of responsible and sustainable business operations and production.

After the course, all participants will receive a copy of the slides we present along with a copy of ISO's Amendment 1: Climate Management Changes.

On 29 February ISO published an addendum to existing and new management system standards that companies can be certified to. It requires organizations to always assess the relevance of climate change risks in their risk analysis and in relation to stakeholder needs. The change follows ISO's London Declaration, where ISO commits to combat climate change and contribute to the climate agenda.

Attend our two-hour online mini course and get the knowledge you need to fulfil the new requirements.

In this course you will gain insight into:

  • The background to the new ISO requirements on climate change
  • What are the requirements and how they affect your organization
  • What you as a company must do and what to expect in connection with upcoming audits
  • Overview of the most important ISO standards that support the work to reduce your company's climate impact.

The trainer

The course is taught by Lead Auditor Trine Velling.

 Trine has more than 15 years of experience in sustainable and socially responsible business operations, strategy development, management systems and auditing. Trine is affiliated with DNV as Lead Auditor, where she primarily provides third-party certification audits within environment, occupational health and safety and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, Trine is Partner and CEO of Konsulenthuset for Socialøkonomi, a registered social economy organisation whose purpose is to support the development of responsible and sustainable business operations and production.

After the course, all participants will receive a copy of the slides we present along with a copy of ISO's Amendment 1: Climate Management Changes.

Management Systems Training


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