QMS Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course (ENGLISH)

This 5 day CQI and IRCA certified course provides the knowledge and skills needed to organize and lead Quality Management System audits.

Why this course?

This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to perform first, second and third party audits of management systems against the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, in accordance with the guidance given in the ISO 19011 for first and second party audits as well as the requirements of the ISO 17021 for third party audits. This course has been registered and certificated by the CQI and IRCA Governing Body and satisfies the formal training requirements for individuals seeking registration under CQI and IRCA or other Auditor Certification Schemes. 

CQI and IRCA No: 17898

Who should attend?

Anyone intending to perform audits of a quality management system. Note that, while this course is applicable to first, second, and third party audits, this course is taught from the third party (Certification Body) perspective. An attendee can both start their journey down the third party auditor route, and/or have an understanding of what third party auditors look for. Some companies require the successful completion of this course to perform first party and second party audits. The course is relevant for:

  • Everyone responsible for leading or participating in internal or external audits of the quality management system
  • Quality managers, coordinators and others involved in quality management

Course highlights

■ Management systems – What and why, including the HLS

■ What is an audit and why are they necessary?

■ Risk based thinking process

■ ISO 9001:2015 purpose and requirements from an auditing perspective.

■ How to plan & conduct audits

■ Audit communication

■ Value added audit reporting and follow-up

Our competent trainers will guide you through the entire audit process from the preparation of the audit programme to the reporting of audit results. The training sessions are planned to be mix of theory, role plays, group sessions and discussions. At the end of the course there will be a closed book exam. The course language is English.

Did you know?

■ Participant evaluation is through Continuous assessment during the complete training course and a closed book examination at the end of the course

■ Successful completion of this course is one of the criteria for you to apply for a CQI and IRCA Lead auditor status

■ You can now record your CQI and IRCA certificate to access exclusive resources via www.quality.org

For successful completion of this course, it is expected that you have prior knowledge of the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015:

  • Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)
  • The relationshop between quality management and customer satisfaction
  • HLS requirements

This prior knowledge requirement can be easily gained by attending our Foundation course in ISO 9001/Quality Management Systems: Grundlæggende kvalitetsledelse.

Uddannelse i ledelsessystemer

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Kursus betingelser

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Mere information om kvalitetsledelse