Quality Culture

An effective management system is at the heart of an effective organization and drives the business towards its strategic goals. The management system should therefore address the needs and expectations of its stakeholders, risks and opportunities, legal requirements and, not least, the organization’s values and culture. This course gives you an introduction to how you can create an organizational quality culture that sets the stage for change and sustainable success in your company.

This course introduces you to how you can use the DS/ISO 10010 guidance to help create an organizational quality culture that sets the stage for change and sustainable success in your company.

Because without an embedded quality culture, most organizations will find that improvements fail to materialize, change is put on hold and the management system and business grinds to a halt. 

About the course 

This course will inspire you to contribute to the creation of an organizational quality culture and what it takes for you as a company to successfully "walk the talk" in terms of the way you want to do things in relation to management system design, operation and continuous improvement.

We look at the issues that should be addressed if you want to create a quality culture and management system that supports the business and is anchored in the organization, and based on the ISO 10010 guidance, you will be introduced to how an organization can understand, define, analyze, evaluate, implement and work with a quality culture that is in line with the organization’s overall context.


The course gives you a theoretical and practical understanding of:

  • What is culture?
  • The effect of a management system
  • Introduction to the management system and the 7 quality principles
  • How to work on creating a quality culture:
  • ISO 10010 as an implementation tool
    • Purpose of ISO 10010
    • Maturity evaluation of the organization’s quality culture
    • Desired and undesired quality culture
    • Management commitment
  • Communication, transparency, motivation and recognition as catalysts for desired behaviour.

Target group:

The course is aimed at anyone working with management systems in a broad sense who is interested in creating continuous and sustainable improvements in the management system and the business. The course is relevant for both managers and employees in organizations facing the implementation of a new management system and for employees who drive and ensure the continuous improvement of an existing management system.

The course is relevant for all types of organizations.

What will you learn:

After the course you will be able to:

  • Explain the principles of a good quality culture
  • Explain how quality managers can create impact with their management system
  • Design and implement processes that support a quality culture
  • Contribute to creating a quality culture in your organization


Uddannelse i ledelsessystemer

APQP4Wind kurser

APQP4Wind er den fælles referenceramme, der skal bruges i industrien til at styrke samarbejdet mellem producenter og leverandører.

Kurser i energi- og miljøledelse

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Kurser inden for fødevareområdet

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Kurser i arbejdsmiljøledelse

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Kurser inden for medicinsk udstyr

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Kurser i bæredygtighed og socialt ansvar

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On-demand E-Learnings

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Kursus betingelser

Afbestillingsbetingelser og praktiske oplysninger for kurser hos DNV Business Assurance Denmark