TISAX® Participant Training Course based on VDA ISA 6

A two-day course providing a detailed explanation of the TISAX standard and compliance process, the role of ENX, the ENX registration process and the VDA ISA 6 catalogue.

The course can be delivered online or in a classroom environment.
TISAX is the automotive industry standard for assessing the information and cyber security of suppliers of goods and services to the sector. Developed by the VDA and the ENX network, version 6.0 is the TISAX standard in a new and improved format.

This training course provides an overview of the standard and its purpose, the role of ENX, the VDA ISA catalogue V6.0 and the technical controls. The training also covers guidance on registration, internal and external assessment and auditing the new controls.

Additional benefits include free access to our online self-assessment tool where participants can quickly implement and practice learnings, as well as measure their company performance against specific management system standards.


At the end of the course, attendees will:

  • An overview of ENX association and its role with the TISAX standard;
  • Understanding of the TISAX assessment process and the steps involved;
  • Knowledge in selecting the appropriate TISAX objectives;
  • Understanding of the VDA ISA catalogue structure;
  • Guidelines on completing the self-assessment document;
  • Guidelines on the required evidence for each control;
  • Understanding TISAX reporting and types of labels;
  • Understanding of the relation between TISAX and the ISO/IEC 27001 standard/framework.


For successful completion of this course, it is expected that participants will ideally have some previous Information Security Management System (ISMS) knowledge such as on the ISO 27001:2022 standard, NIST CSF, or at least familiarity with the IATF certification, OT security or Cloud Security in the ICT domain (including data centers) and the automotive sectors.

Prior certification of an ISMS based on ISO 27001 is not a mandatory requirement for the organization, but it can help with the overall TISAX compliance process significantly as most of the controls and the requirements are similar for the two standards.


The course is aimed at:

  • Representatives from any organization looking into becoming a TISAX Participant (customer), interested in learning about the TISAX standard and the overall compliance process.
  • TISAX consultants wishing to help customers through their TISAX compliance process, with in-depth prior ISMS experience, such as ISO 27001, SOC or CISA auditors.

Uddannelse i ledelsessystemer

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On-demand E-Learnings

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Kursus betingelser

Afbestillingsbetingelser og praktiske oplysninger for kurser hos DNV Business Assurance Denmark